Authors Cassie Mae and Theresa Paolo chat about the underappreciated gems in the book world, and how certain authors and stories need more positive attention.
25 episodes
EV Darcy and The Royals
Welcome to the Underappreciated Podcast where we talk about books, authors, and topics that need more love in this world.This week, we have a wonderful guest interview, talking about ROYALS and how much fun it can be to write u...
Season 2
Episode 6
Life After Burnout
Welcome to the Underappreciated Podcast where we talk about books, authors, and topics that need more love in this world.This week, Theresa talks about life before, during, and after burnout and when you should keep ...
Season 2
Episode 5
Romance Trope Tier List
This week, Cassie and Theresa take on the romance tropes, ranking them in order of favorites. Watch this episode on YouTube for the visual aid, or follow along while you listen. Enjoy ranking all your tropes with us....
Season 2
Episode 4
Other Authors are not the Enemy
This is for all the other authors out there! The best allies for your work are other authors. Using examples of both authors who have behaved badly and authors who have lifted each other up, Cassie and Theresa discuss what has been helpful i...
Season 2
Episode 3
Happy Horror
This week, a horror enthusiast joins Cassie and Theresa to talk all about the thrills and chills in the genre. We play a guess that literary monster game, with prizes, including one for a lucky listener! Play along and see how many monsters ...
Season 2
Episode 2
Type 1 in an Apocalyptic World
Cassie and Theresa have a brilliant guest who talks about extensive edits, releasing a dystopian novel post-pandemic, and sheds light on Type 1 Diabetes and the reality of living with the autoimmune disease.
Season 2
Episode 1
Let's Talk Money
The big thing no one likes to talk about... how much do authors really make? Cassie and Theresa discuss the ups and downs of being mid-listers, and why readers are never to blame for a book release not doing well.
Season 1
Episode 19
Historical Romance
Theresa talks Cassie's ear off about Historical Romances she adores while Cassie plays fetch with her dogs and compares almost everything to Disney movies.
Season 1
Episode 18
Top Ten Reading Pet Peeves
Cassie dives into a Reddit post on what readers hate most about books, and she and Theresa talk about the top ten and where they would put them on the list!
Season 1
Episode 17
"I don't wanna."
It's Cassie's birthday! And she shares the popular books she won't read because... well, reasons. Add the most embarrassing thing that's happened to her during her writing career and it's a fun episode of randomness!
Season 1
Episode 16
Leaving You on the Edge
Cassie and Theresa love to hate the cliffhanger. They talk the importance of always leaving your reader wanting more, and why cliffhangers need more love.
Season 1
Episode 15
Cassie Jeopardy!
Theresa invites one of Cassie’s most avid readers to battle against her in a Jeopardy game! She tests the knowledge they have on Cassie’s entire backlist, and we hear some reader love. (Special guest, Lenore Kosinski)
Season 1
Episode 14
Finding Gems as an Editor
Cassie and Theresa are pretty darn lucky. They get to read these amazing books before anyone else! Listen to us rave about our jobs as editors and give praise to authors who deserve it.
Season 1
Episode 13
The Writing Slump
Cassie wants to quit... again. Theresa puts a stop to all things on the schedule and does an impromptu therapy session that not just writers, but anyone who faces imposter syndrome could use.
Season 1
Episode 12
New Adult. It’s not just s3x.
What is the New Adult category and why did it make such a scene when it came into the limelight? Cassie and Theresa talk about the stigma surrounding the category and encourage readers to give it the ol’ college try.
Season 1
Episode 11
Our Critique Partners: Part Two
Cassie and Theresa lucked out with their critique group, and they rave about the books they get to read before everyone else.
Season 1
Episode 10
Our Critique Partners: Part One
Cassie and Theresa lucked out with their critique group, and they rave about the books they get to read before everyone else.
Season 1
Episode 9
Does Theresa Know Her Own Books?
Welcome to our first Underappreciated Game Show! Cassie surprises Theresa with a pop quiz on her Willow Cove Series to see just how much she remembers the books she wrote.
Season 1
Episode 8
Give Me a Beta Hero
The Alpha Male is hot and all, but Cassie and Theresa talk about the teddy bears in romance, and why they are just as hot (if not hotter) and deserving of the spotlight.
Season 1
Episode 7
Oh the Pressure! Starting a Series
What's the deal with the free first book? Cassie and Theresa deep dive discuss about the pressure to write the first book in a series and how authors need to give themselves a little more love.
Season 1
Episode 6
Kelley Armstrong is a Force!
Werewolves and necromancers and sorcerers and unbelievable writing! Cassie and Theresa rave about a series they feel needs much more love. The Darkest Powers by Kelley Armstrong is one you don't want to skip out on.
Season 1
Episode 5
Indie Authors are not lesser than
Indie publishing has come a long way and done so much for the writing community, yet people still look at indie authors as authors who couldn't cut it in the traditional world of publishing. Cassie and Theresa explain why the industry is so suc...
For the Love of Audio
Some people believe audiobooks are "cheating" or not actually reading. Cassie and Theresa discuss why audiobooks are just as good, if not better, than physical books.
Season 1
Episode 3